Remove Node in Binary Search Tree


Given a root of Binary Search Tree with unique value for each node. Remove the node with given value. If there is no such a node with given value in the binary search tree, do nothing. You should keep the tree still a binary search tree after removal.



case (1) 这个结点没有child,那么直接删掉它就可以,让parent指向它的指针为NULL即可。

case (2) 这个结点只有1个child,那么让parent只想它的指针,指向他的child即可,这样做并不破坏BST性质。

case (3) 如果这个结点有2个children,那么问题就比较复杂

(a) 首先,要选右子树中最小的值的结点
(b) 然后,用这个最小值替换那个即将删掉的结点的值
(c) 最后,去右子树中删掉这个有最小值的结点

这样的做法是为了保证BST的性质,而且因为是右子树最小的点,这个点一定没有左孩子,所以case 3被化简为case 1或者case 2。同样的,你可以去左子树找最大值的结点,方法类似。


1 找到这个要删掉的node,同时要记录他的parent。如果这个node不在root这棵树里,则直接返回。
2 如果是case 1或者case 2,判断parent是不是NULL。如果parent不是NULL,就可以直接进行删除了
3 如果是case 3,则继续去右子树找min,同时继续移动parent。找到min后,先给之前要删除的点赋值,



class Solution {
     * @param root: The root of the binary search tree.
     * @param value: Remove the node with given value.
     * @return: The root of the binary search tree after removal.
    void removeNodeHelper(TreeNode* parent, TreeNode* temp) {
        // case1, no child
        if (temp->left == NULL && temp->right == NULL) {
            if (parent->left == temp) {
                parent->left = NULL;
            } else {
                parent->right = NULL;
        // case 2, one child
        if (temp->left == NULL) {
            if (parent->left == temp) {
                parent->left = temp->right;
            } else {
                parent->right = temp->right;
        if (temp->right == NULL) {
            if (parent->left == temp) {
                parent->left = temp->left;
            } else {
                parent->right = temp->left;

    TreeNode* removeNode(TreeNode* root, int value) {
        // write your code here
        if (root == NULL) {
            return root;
        TreeNode* parent = NULL;
        TreeNode* temp = root;
        // find the node to delete
        while (temp->val != value) {
            parent = temp;
            if (temp->val > value) {
                temp = temp->left;
            } else {
                temp = temp->right;
            // if not in the BST
            if (temp == NULL) {
                return root;
        //case 3, two children
        if (temp->left != NULL && temp->right != NULL) {
            //find min in right sub-tree
            parent = temp;
            TreeNode* minRightSubTree = temp->right;
            while (minRightSubTree->left != NULL) {
                parent = minRightSubTree;
                minRightSubTree = minRightSubTree->left;
            //replace temp value with that min
            temp->val = minRightSubTree->val;
            //remove that min node
            removeNodeHelper(parent, minRightSubTree);
        } else { 
            // special cases for deleting root node
            if (parent == NULL) {
                // case 1, no child
                if (temp->left == NULL && temp->right == NULL) {
                    return NULL;
                // case 2, one child
                if (temp->left == NULL) {
                    return temp->right;
                if (temp->right == NULL) {
                    return temp->left;
            } else { // for deleting other nodes
                removeNodeHelper(parent, temp);
        return root;

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